QuNexus Portable MIDI Keyboard Controller Stress Test

| gear, videos


The guys from Keith Mcmillen Instruments recently did a series of Stress tests to the QuNexus portable MIDI keyboard controller.

These tests included dropping the controller from a 2nd story window; running it over a car; washing it off with water; and finally strapping it with a 30-pound watermelon and dropping it out of a 2nd story building window. Check out the video!


Width: 12.8” / 325 mm
Depth: 3.3” / 84 mm
Height: 0.43” / 11 mm

Key Pads
1.18″ x 0.51″ / 30 mm x 13 mm

0.76 lb / 345 g

QuNexus is bus-powered via the USB port when connected to a computer or tablet. When using QuNexus without a computer, power can be supplied with a USB power supply or a KMI MIDI Expander.

USB micro jack
3.5 mm Pedal Input / Control Voltage (CV) 1-2 Input. This port can accept 2 CV input signals with a 3.5 mm TRRS plug.
3.5 mm Gate – Control Voltage (CV) 1 Output (16-bit). This port can output Gate and CV signals with a 3.5 mm TRS plug.
3.5 mm Control Voltage (CV) 2-3 Output (16-bit). This port can output 2 CV signals with a 3.5 mm TRS plug.
KMI MIDI Expander jack

25 Key pads with velocity, pressure, and tilt sensitivity
2 octave switching buttons*
1 pitch bend pad
5 mode buttons
*QuNexus defaults to a note range of 48 (C2) to 72 (C4). The octave buttons allow you to shift up another 3 octaves or shift down 2 octaves for a total range of 7 octaves (C0-C7).

32 LEDs with 16 levels of brightness

Control Voltage Specs
All CV outs are 0V – 5.2V
CV ins are 0V – 5.0V
1V/Oct, 1.2V/Oct, Hz/V

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