
So you want to know more about this cool and awesome website? Well, ok..

KEYBOARDIST CHANNEL was born on January 2014, and after some “exoskeleton” design implementation and some makeup it finally went live on February.

It’s creator, the “father”, is a music enthusiast and a keyboard player for a number of different local bands. If he’s not playing, he’s most probably inside his dark room somewhere in Southeast Asia.

There are a lot (and I mean a lot!) of websites dedicated to music and musical instruments and they post tons of news, goodies, stuff about music – though mostly are focused on guitars, drums, news on a certain music genre and its artists or bands. Then he tought, “how ’bout a website dedicated only to keyboard players?” – and pyong! – KEYBOARDIST CHANNEL was born.

KEYBOARDIST CHANNEL intends to post on what’s new about keyboardists around the world, keyboard players, pianos/keyboard/gears news, certain events and gigs, videos and what’s hot and trending over the internet – basically anything about Keyboards.

So are you a keyboard player? Then you should like Keyboardist Channel Facebook page for some updates on this website as well as interact with other keyboardists around the world. Follow us on Twitter too.

You want to know more? Or just want to throw some message to us? Then you might want to contact us – fill out the form below.
